Zsófia Torma (September 27, 1832 – November 14, 1899) Hungarian archaeologist, anthropologist and paleontologist.
Torma was born in Csicsókeresztúr, Bihar county. She was mostly self-educated. The symbols and scripts on clay objects she found during an excavation in Hunyad county were an archaeological sensation. She also found artifacts of the 4500-year old Tordos culture, some of which were covered with signs resembling a system of writing.
Her most famous work, the Ethnographische Analogien was published in Jena in 1894.
Torma had an important role in the founding of the Museum of Kolozsvár, to which she left her archaeological collection in her will. She was the first female to become an honorary doctor in what is today Babes-Bolyai University (on May 24, 1899). She died in Szászváros in 1899.